While women have traditionally faced more societal pressure than men to “look younger,” an interesting paradigm shift is occurring. Men today are finally admitting they are no more comfortable than women with wrinkles and aging. This has led to more men getting BOTOX® Cosmetic treatments to rejuvenate and refresh their natural appearance.
As of 2017, one in every eight men is getting cosmetic procedures. According to the Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, the number of men getting BOTOX® has increased by nearly 65% since 2010. In 2015, there were 430,000 BOTOX® procedures on men.
Although this only accounts for roughly 6 percent of all BOTOX® injections, these rising numbers don’t lie. Men today are feeling pressured to maintain a younger appearance and they’re now more apt to do something about it. This has more men today interested in BOTOX® Cosmetic treatments.
The truth is, a man’s face ages just as a woman’s does. As we get older, our faces lose subcutaneous fat. Facial muscles shift closer to the skin’s surface. The repetitive contraction of muscles in the face – for instance, when we laugh, smile, frown, or raise an eyebrow – creates wrinkles, folds, and creases in the skin. These become particularly noticeable around the mouth and eyes, on the forehead, and between the eyebrows.
The combination of this constant folding of the skin with sun and free radical damage can leave a person looking stressed, tired, and older. Dr. Paul Leong and his nurse injectors at Leong Facial Plastic Surgery specialize in BOTOX® for men in Pittsburgh PA.
This procedure smooths away fine lines and wrinkles for a more rested and youthful appearance. Roughly 14 percent of our patients are men. When Dr. Leong opened his practice, this number was around 5 percent. We have quickly become a top provider of men’s BOTOX® in Pittsburgh.
Why are men getting BOTOX®?
It’s taken a long time to erode the stigma that vanity isn’t “manly.” Historically speaking, men were taught that wrinkles – not unlike bruises or scars – were badges of honor acquired through time. An aging man’s “rugged good looks” were the visible toll of hard work, a life well-or-hard-lived, sacrifice, and perseverance – all seen in his wise and mature face. Today’s man is subscribing less and less to that mindset. Here’s why:
Changing societal norms
Society has always emphasized a woman’s physical appearance over a man’s. However, this era of social media and selfies has men more image-conscious than ever before.
There’s a pressure to be camera ready the moment someone pulls out their cell phone – which is basically all the time. Our photos are posted instantly on the internet for all to see. Our faces are visible on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, online dating apps, company websites, and any email we send.
Understandably, men are increasingly concerned with their appearance because of this. This is why they’re now turning to the same treatments women have long used to reverse the hands of time and look a little younger. Injections are minimally invasive and more discreet than going under the knife.
Men are becoming increasingly curious and open to BOTOX®. There can be anywhere from 3,000 to 5,000 Google searches per month for the term ‘BOTOX® for men.’
What we’re seeing is a new generation of men who understand that caring about their looks and admitting vanity doesn’t make them any less of a man. Today’s man puts more money and time into his appearance than ever before. From spending more money on skin care products to treat hair loss and balding to joining the gym or dieting to testosterone replacement therapies.
Today’s male has a beauty regimen whether he wants to admit it or not. An anti-aging cosmetic procedure like Brotox fits right into that regimen. A man having a “little work done” today is no longer stigmatized like it once was.
Staying competitive professionally
Men are collectively working later into life. Looking and feeling young again can be a difference maker in one’s job search or pursuit of professional goals. Whether you’re looking for a job, competing for a promotion, or interacting face-to-face with clients every day, the hard truth is looks matter and we’re currently living and working in a youth-driven culture.
The sad reality is ageism is real. This has made men highly insecure about looking older at work. Especially if they’re working alongside millennials and don’t want to appear “aged out of” the modern office which is getting younger by the day.
Similarly, someone in sales that’s pitching to younger clients doesn’t want to come off like that client’s dad or look unfriendly and crotchety. This has more men turning to BOTOX® to stay competitive and maintain their edge.

Why Choose Dr. Paul Leong for Brotox in Pittsburgh, PA
Dr. Leong is a double-board certified Facial Plastic Surgeon specializing in cosmetic enhancements to the face and neck. He and the aestheticians and RNs at Leong Facial Plastic Surgery have extensive experience providing BOTOX® for men in Pittsburgh.
We understand that men often require different amounts of BOTOX® or differently targeted injections to produce the desired result. We also know that male BOTOX® requires a special eye and a much more precise technique. A man’s brow shape and hairline differ from a woman’s and require a slightly different BOTOX® administration. Each injection performed at our practice is done with this knowledge for the absolute best result.
Now Serving Morgantown
Dr. Paul Leong is a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon specializing exclusively in aesthetic facial plastic surgery. With an international reputation for the quality of his Brotox injections, Dr. Leong’s practice has a regional scope, drawing patients from well beyond Pittsburgh. To better serve his patients in the region, Dr. Leong has expanded with an additional office in Morgantown, WV.