My goal in surgery is to achieve the most natural-looking and best result, with little risk. In order to achieve this, every step of the surgery process is meticulously planned out with a particular operative sequence. Before surgery begins, an anesthesiologist will meet with you to discuss what to expect before and after the general anesthesia is administered. An IV line and gas will be used for sedation to ensure that you are unconscious during the entire length of surgery. It is important to notify the anesthesiologist if you have had any complications with anesthesia in the past.
In the majority of cases, I perform rhinoplasty under general anesthesia. All of my surgeries take place at major hospitals that are staffed with anesthesiologists who are fully equipped to respond to a broad range of medical issues. Being under general anesthesia allows the patient to be very comfortable during the procedure and provides outstanding protection of the airway and breathing – a very safe approach. Having said that, if the patient prefers, or if there is some medical indication, rhinoplasty surgery can also be performed under IV sedation, rather than general anesthesia.
After general anesthesia is initiated, local anesthesia is injected into the nose to further improve the comfort of the procedure during and after the surgery. Local anesthesia with epinephrine is injected into the nose to constrict blood vessels, reduce bleeding, and numb the nasal area. Three areas are targeted: the angular vessels, lateral facial vessels and infraorbital vessels. The nose is cleaned with betadine (an anti-septic solution) to reduce the chance of infection.
Please take a look at our pages on the rhinoplasty surgery, consultation, and pre-operative visit for more information on the overall treatment process.

Contact Us
If you are interested in learning more about this procedure, or if you would like to schedule a rhinoplasty consultation with our board-certified plastic surgeon, please contact Dr. Paul Leong today.